Monday, June 4, 2018

Mommy Style Monday: What's For Lunch?

What's for lunch? Mommy Style Monday for June is all about my go-to lunches for the babes and me!  I will start with the kiddos and then share some of mine.  We don't have a huge variety, but they are quick and easy.  

Brecken usually eats turkey, cheese, fruit and sometimes crackers.  Below you will see a few of the lunches he had last week.  Lizzie gets some of the same things, just fed by me.  We also do Spaghettios and sometimes leftovers (especially pizza).  

Leftover pizza
Turkey, Graham Crackers, Cheese, Carrots
Dollar Store Frozen Plate for the win! 
Notice a theme?
Turkey, cheese, strawberries

Over the last six weeks I have been striving to follow healthier eating habits.  I use the philosophy of Carli Williams "Nourish First Satisfy Second" as the basis for what and how I eat. I always have a green smoothie and then another serving of veggies and fruit.  Most days I add a peanut butter and honey sandwich  Occasionally, I get more time and can make a flatbread or big salad.  


Leftover Turkey Burger, Salad, Fruit
BOLTHOUSE dressing is AMAZING + 45 Calories! 

Flat bread from Carli's meal plan -- super easy and so delicious!

Check out our other Mommy Style Monday Contributors:
Kiana at Glitter&Donuts
Madeline at CaseyLand

You can click THIS to sign up for the next Mommy Style Monday!